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Let’s jump into this new week knowing

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

Risks, opportunities and having the courage

There are some risks in showing boldly who we are

There are also great opportunities which come with it

Last week I have posted vulnerable and authentic to me content

And I have received powerful feedback about the impact this post had on many who read it

Well, believe me, I didn’t expect that

And sharing this on social media was far beyond my comfort zone

But I have learnt again that being authentic and vulnerable can powerfully impact not only me and my choices, business, career and life but those I am connecting with, their choices, their businesses, careers and lives

So what are the risks in showing up authentically and being vulnerable:

  • Rejection

  • Misunderstanding

  • Heartbreak

  • Feeling fearful and uncomfortable

I have noticed that fear makes this list longer and risks bigger than they are in reality

Because when we find the courage to:

❣ Review our situation

❣ Look inside of ourselves

❣ Take an action

❣ Show up authentically

Then we suddenly find many opportunities to grow in:

  • Authentic leadership

  • Great performance

  • New projects

  • Clarity about the next career step

  • Creative ideas

  • Healthy lifestyle

  • Freedom

  • Life with purpose

  • Fulfilment

  • Supportive and collaborative relationships

And as this changes us it also creates a powerful impact on others

So here are some questions which help you to get into the opportunities zone:

What are my natural traits, strengths, core values and needs?

What is my purpose in life?

What is the impact I want to have on others lives?

How can I align those with my career, relationships and my lifestyle?

How can I start today?

Stay curious and vulnerable with yourself and others

And feel free to reach out if you need any support

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