Others are doing better than me,
Get results, grow in their careers and reach life goals faster than me.
I won’t be able to get to that level.
I failed already, so what is the point of trying again?
Do you get that frustration and pessimism?
I hear you! I was there not even once!
But despite getting into a pessimistic hole sometimes,
What helped me and my clients was cultivating HOPE! 🍀
Not giving up, nonstop searching, and doing the next right thing.
That works like a ripple effect:
➡️ Having hope creates space for good things to happen.
➡️ Having space allows opportunities to come.
➡️ The opportunities bring new positive thinking and energy.
➡️ That positive thinking and energy bring new solutions.
➡️ New solutions help to make better decisions.
➡️ Better decisions create the life and career that we want.
The other very important and sometimes for many clients so surprising learning in that process was
They were aiming for goals that don't belong to them,
They realised they won’t have the same results as others,
They won't reach the same goals as others,
Because that is not who they are!
Instead 💡
They can uniquely create their life and career,
Reach goals that belong to them,
And be successful in their OWN WAY, on their OWN TERMS!
1. I encourage you to reflect ✒️
Out of 10 how hopeful do you feel today?
What were your personal or professional goals you set up for yourself and you reached in the first half of this year?
2. Then to start cultivating HOPE 🍀
Make a list of your achievements, whether big or small, starting from the beginning of this year.
Find a way to celebrate your wins.
Then with that energy, do the next right thing!
A pessimistic approach, frustration, and complaints may be a part of the burnout cycle, which is a more complex and individual challenge.
✨ To spark hope and show you what to do to start breaking the burnout cycle, I created a free BREAK FREE FROM BURNOUT Masterclass.
Book your slot for the free session here: https://calendly.com/annwolas/break-free-from-burnout