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Three Steps To Break Free From Burnout

One of the most common BURNOUT TRAPS you may find yourself into 👇

Is to solve it by changing the job or industry.

After a while of high excitement, stress and hard work in the new workplace

You find yourself exhausted again,

And in fear that the performance you give isn't good enough.

Why is that? 🤓

You're in your individual burnout cycle.🌪

1. That was formed in the early stage of your life.

2. That impacted the way you WORK and PERFORM throughout your life.

3. That won't change with changing the workplace.

But what if you're just three steps away from breaking free from burnout right where you are?

I call it the 3 WHATS RULE:

🔎 Discover WHAT's causing you burnout.

🧠 Recognize WHAT your burnout signs are.

♻️ Learn WHAT's your unique BE WELL cycle that BREAKS burnout cycle.

The answers are unique to you and your situation.

And YES, after all, you may decide to change the job or industry.

But from the experience of my clients and myself, I can tell.

When you deal with burnout first,

This decision won't be due to burnout anymore,

But due to your passion, drive, high performance and impact, you want to have 🚀

So… as unique as your situation is

Let's have a chat.

If you knew, I have the answer to your individual question,

That could help YOU break free from burnout and support your career progression.

What would you ask me?

Share your question in the comment below or ask away via DM. 💌

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