LIMITS which become your EXCUSES and keep you stagnant like:
❔ The industry is too difficult
❔ I'm too sensitive
❔ My projects aren't perfect
❔ I'm not confident enough to make this presentation
❔ I don't have enough experience, so I can't lead the team
❔ I won't get a promotion because I'm a woman
OPPORTUNITIES and GOOD EXAMPLES in your network like:
❕ People within the industry who are happy and have successful careers.
❕ Creatives who are using their sensitivity as an advantage.
❕ Women with similar educational backgrounds and experiences who get promotions and leadership positions because they decided to make that happen.
❕ Colleagues who create EXCELLENT projects but only in the PROCESS of doing it step by step, failing, learning from mistakes and doing it again.
Our minds focus on what we choose to see, what we believe is true and what we keep telling ourselves.
We create our reality from that.
If you fix your mind on LIMITS and start to make EXCUSES, that is what you will have in your reality.
If you choose to focus on GOOD EXAMPLES around you and start using your OPPORTUNITIES, that is what you will create in your life.
What are you choosing to see in your current situation?
Find one opportunity.
Focus on it.
Make a move.